Monday 17 January 2011

Questions and Answers

Tip of the day started as a bit of fun, but I have started to get riders emailing me for advice. If you have a questions about anything cycling related, it doesn't matter what it is I will try and help you out.
A bit about me for those who don't know me. I have lived and raced all over Europe. Not just on the road, but track racing and mountain biking. I have managed teams, run cycling clubs, worked as a mechanic, done race service,I had my own bicycle shop for years, I have worked at major cycling events including the the World Track Champs. I am also a British Cycling Commisaire. I have built custom cycle frames, built wheels, theres not a lot I don't know about cycling.
I can answer questions on any subject from men or women. I used to run a cycling team that had 10 female riders including a certain Cath Cockram as she used to be called, she is now Mrs Wiggins.
I am not a coach but have studied coaching and can answer most questions. If I don't know the answer I am sure I will know somebody that does. So feel free, wether your just starting off or an experienced club rider. You can email me on